AAA Conference Fashion Post!

Clothes for the AAA Conference

Clothes for the AAA Conference

I have gotten a lot of traffic over the years from people searching for what to wear to conferences, particular anthropology conferences. So, I decided to post my AAA Conference wardrobe for this year. I hope it helps!

From my experience, conference goers wear a wide range of clothes from suits to blue jeans. However, my advice is to dress professionally but comfortably. You never know who you might meet at a conference and first impressions mean a lot, especially when you only get to talk to someone for a few minutes. I suggest wearing clothes that would be acceptable for a business casual environment.

That said, conferences can be long days in cities that require a lot of walking. So, be sure to wear something comfortable (especially your shoes). And, if you are going to the AAA conference this year in Chicago, dress warm; it is going to be cold!

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