Identity Making with Pinterest

My Pinterest Profile

My Pinterest Profile

Do you Pinterest? I do. I find it incredibly addicting. I started pinning this fall after a colleague suggested that I might enjoy Pinterest. So, I headed over to the homepage and requested an invitation. It arrived the next day and I signed in. At first, I was not sure for what I was going to use this web app. Every web application I use has a purpose in my life. If it serves no purpose for me, then I quickly find that I have no time to fuss with it. I use Facebook to keep up with college friends and check up on what people from my past are doing (i.e. internet stalk people from high school and my three younger sisters). I use Google+ and Twitter to network with anthropologists and web designers/developers. I use Google Reader to quickly read, share and catalog news from all my interest areas. I use Evernote to catalog all of my thoughts and those things I must remember, namely code snippets for web development. I use… well you get the picture. (more…)

Better Anthropology

I am sad to have missed the AAAs this year. Although, I must thank the wonderful anthropologists who have blogged and tweeted their thoughts and observations throughout, helping those of us stuck at home stay involved.

The post by Jason Antrosio on the presidential address by Virginia Dominguez, Anthropology’s Challenge: We can be better, was one of those exciting posts that makes you want to throw your fist in the air and say “Hear! Hear!” I regret having missed the original address, but Antrosio’s summary was still enough to get my fingers typing.

How to be an Anthropologist

I started this blog after a student asked how she could be an anthropologist. I stuttered and while the obvious answer fell from my lips, the cogs in my mind began to turn. I told the student that she should start by taking some anthropology courses. Then, if she enjoyed them, I told her to take a field school in the sub-discipline of her choice and if that didn’t scare her off, then she should go full steam ahead toward a doctoral degree.